Christiana Surgicenter
The Christiana Surgicenter, adjacent to the Christiana Hospital campus, has been providing outpatient surgical services since its inception. The facility is fully equipped with the latest technology to provide anesthesia for a variety of surgical subspecialities. General and plastic surgery, gynecologic, orthopedic, ENT, urology, and vascular outpatient procedures are performed in its seven operating rooms and three procedure rooms.
Anesthetic techniques used at the Surgicenter emphasize patient safety and comfort before, during, and after surgery. In addition to general anesthesia and sedation, a number of regional nerve blocks are also performed to minimize patient discomfort for certain procedures.
Anesthesia is delivered utilizing the Anesthesia Care Team approach in which an Anesthesiologist and CRNA collaborate to ensure safe and appropriate anesthesia care. Patients appreciate the convenience of a facility where they receive the best in anesthesia care from experienced practitioners and can return home with minimal inconvenience and time commitment.